Thursday, February 17, 2011

grace in needs met

today, it hit me like a brick wall.  God has this uncanny way of knowing what i need and when and how.  i know, i know...duh.  but i forget sometimes, so let me just share with you a few examples currently in my mind:

  • yesterday, i had an awful encounter with a teacher.  i mean, awful.  went in my office and cried afterward.  went home and went straight to bed so i wouldn't have to think about it anymore.  today, the opportunity presented itself to speak with her.  i could sense the tension, and i can't stand tension.  i had no idea what i would say or how she would respond, but i am telling you, God must have known i needed it, and that conversation was the best, most honest, most real, most healing conversation i've had all year.
  • this morning, i feel like i all i did was put out fires and field complaints.  this is not the stuff great days are made of.  feeling worn out, trampled on, and exausted (before prior conversation), all of a sudden one of my teachers (who reminds me of my mom) came in and asked me how i was and if there was anything she could do to help.  just like my mom.  exactly what i needed at that moment in time.
  • and the kicker...shhh...don't tell anyone...but i am TIRED!  i know, if i love my job (which i do), i shouldn't complain because there are a lot of people out there who would give anything for a job, but i am oh so tired right now, and really needing a break.  cue february vacation, the greatest invention ever to all new england teachers!  cue rest and quality time with a dear friend in a warmer climate.
thank you, God, for always being right on cue.  amazing grace!