Monday, April 8, 2013

short lives well lived

last thursday, two of my peers left this world all too early.

bridget was 29.  bridget was one of the happiest and enthusiastic people i've ever known.  she and i were lectors together at church for years, and i never even knew she was sick until this past fall, when she grew too sick to continue.  throughout her illness, she taught, fought, and raised funds while raising awareness.  she lived more in 29 years than some people do in three times that.  she was a proud aunt, and loved her husband dearly.  she had dreams of turning 30 and having children.

alan was 30.  he was my next-door neighbor growing up.  he was sick, even back then, but he lived longer than anyone thought possible.  he too was a fighter, and a spokesman, and a fundraiser - so that others might have a better chance.  so much life packed into such little time.  he was a proud uncle and loved the outdoors.  he owned his own company.  he never let obstacles stand in his way.

bridget died in boston.  alan died in north carolina.  i don't imagine they ever knew each other on this earth, but i wonder if their kindred spirits crossed paths on the way to eternity.  they both had faith that could move mountains, and credited that faith for keeping them alive as long as it did.

not one of us knows how much time we have, but the very least we can do is appreciate each day and try to fully live it, in case it is our last.  bridget always wore pearls and said that it's silly to save them for a special occasion because every day of this life is a special occasion.  bridget and alan, your lives meant so much to so many.  thank you for making your short time with us count, and for teaching us about true faith, hope, and courage.  until we meet again...