Tuesday, December 29, 2009

grace at school

a dear friend and fellow educator once told me that she introduced the concept of grace to her students. she told them that everybody has days where things aren't going right when they need a little bit of grace. in a true community- at home or at school- we give grace where it is needed. the point is not whether or not it is deserved; if we all got what we deserved, we'd be a sorry lot. god sends bits of grace to us everyday that we don't deserve; the least we can do is attempt to do the same for one another. what a novel concept- rather than "three strikes and you're out" or "the rules are the rules"- we have opportunities to bless children and colleagues with grace that is unexpected and maybe undeserved...how often do we give grace at school?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so thankful for those days that I'm struggling & grace is bestowed on me! You're pretty fabulous at that Cait! Love the new blog! Can't wait to continue to read it.
