Friday, April 30, 2010

grace in prayer

the sweetest thing happened to me today.  i was at school and one of the first grade teachers said, "miss keeton, we have to tell you something!"  i quickly went over and the class told me that they had been praying for me- not just to find a job, but to find a "GREAT" job!  the teacher clarified that what they meant by that was, "a job that's close, that pays a lot of money, and that will make me very happy."  one little boy shouted out, "i even pray for you at home at night, before i go to bed!"  how adorable is that?  i almost started crying right there.  i mean, i feel like God listens to kids.  i know, God listens to everyone.  but for sure kids.  this job search has been quite the process and i am really starting to grow weary of it, so i look forward to that call, so i can tell those first graders how God answered their prayers (and mine!).  this picture isn't of them, but i thought it was a nice (albeit old school) image of kids praying in school.

beyond my own situation, prayer has played a big part in the life of my best friend from college recently as well.  she has been on bed rest for the last five weeks now, trying her best to do everything in her power to protect her little baby boy, who is growing inside her.  she is amazing and i have so much admiration for her.  throughout all of this, she has not complained or anything- she just wants her baby to be okay.  she truly believes that he still is growing and has a strong heartbeat because of all of the prayers that her friends, family, and even strangers who have read her blog, are saying for her and her husband and their little one.  the faith that is getting her through this is truly remarkable, considering that last year she lost her first child, a baby girl, without being able to carry her to term.  i have to say that this whole situation, which has defied the odds to an incredible extent, renews my faith daily.  truly it is faith, hope, and love that are keeping this fragile life safe and healthy.

they say good things come in family's friend who has had major heart issues, is only 20 years old, and has a 1 year old baby girl, received a new heart yesterday, after many people's many prayers!  i am happy to report that she is doing okay, and so far, no sign of rejection.   keep those prayers coming!  God is good.  no wait, God is GREAT!

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