Wednesday, October 6, 2010

grace in young minds

sorry i've been MIA lately.  we had our accreditation visit at school and i have been doing nothing other than that for the last few weeks.  i'm happy to announce that it is now over and i am back to my regularly-scheduled day-to-day insanity!

i've had several occasions lately on which to chat with little ones about God, faith, heaven, etc.  just had to share...

upon reading a book called If Jesus Came to My House..., 2nd graders wrote their own pages.  excerpts include:

  • If Jesus came to my house, I would make him tea and cookies.  Then we could read a story.
  • If Jesus came to my house, I hope he could swim, because I would want to take him in my pool.  (Shouldn't be a problem...he can walk on water!)
  • If Jesus came to my house, I would tell him we had to go to Applebee's, because it tastes better than what my mom makes.
sooooo cute!  and not a single mention of tv, nintendo ds, or any other electronic device!

i happened to walk in the other day when 7th grade was discussing the gospel writers.  they took some time to tell me what they had learned about each one.  i asked them if they ever wondered what it must have been like to have lived when Jesus did- to have actually eaten with him and talked with him and hung out like friends.  they thought for a minute and then one replied, "as sad as it is, i bet the people who did live with him didn't fully appreciate him at the time.  they probably had no idea how good they had it."  to which another replied, "kind of like us today."

these deep!
a particularly feisty 1st grader was running around the church during choir practice the other day, rather than sitting in the pew with her peers singing.  she ran up on the altar and it looked like she was playing with the flowers around the statue of Mary.  i walked up to her and explained that they are only for looking, not for touching.  to which she responded, "but miss k, i was just smelling them.  they smell so good.  i think they must be what heaven smells like."  

sigh.  what do you say to that?

out of the mouths of babes...

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