Saturday, February 16, 2013

grace through those who light the way

Who are all of the luminaries in your life?
in the spirit of working towards a heart filled with gratitude, what better place to start than with the people who have helped me on my journey.  joyce rupp calls them "companions of growth."  she says that it's very rare that we can grow spiritually completely on our own or in isolation, and that certainly rings true for me.  i know God because of the people in my life who have shown God to me.  who are these people in your life?  who are the people who have believed in you and your potential for growth?  who are the helpers who have either knowingly or unknowingly aided you in your search for your true self and your life path?  who has challenged you to see parts of yourself that you were blind to?  who has given you courage to go deep and think in new ways?  who taught you how to pray?  who encouraged you to use the gifts you've been given?  join me today in giving thanks for these people who have lit the way on our journeys.  we would not, could not be who and where we are today without them!  their presence in our lives is grace - pure gift from our loving God.  i don't know about you, but my heart comes close to bursting with gratitude when i think about all that my "companions of growth" have done for me!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

life is so very short

i have started writing this post many times and stopped because i'm still not exactly sure that i have the words to say what i want to say.  i think there are times in all of our lives when what is happening around us - or to us - forces us to stop short and really realize what a precious gift life is.  a number of those events have happened around me lately, and this reminder of life's short-ness is at the front and center of my heart and mind.  

first it was the death of 20 sweet children in newtown, connecticut on december 14.  then it was the death of a friend's husband, right before christmas.  then it was the death of one of my mom's students, the daughter and sister of long-time family friends.  these three events, which occurred within two weeks of one another, were horrific, impossible to understand events in the lives of those directly impacted (family and close friends).  but these kinds of events, i believe, can and must serve as reminders to those of us slightly removed or even greatly distanced, that life is short.  and precious.  and we just never know.

i don't know about you, but i get so caught up in each day's routines, lists, chores, meetings, and things that have to get done that i do forget.  i forget about what really matters.  i get sucked into thinking that crossing off checks on a list and running around like a crazy person are what life is all about.  WRONG!  i tell myself it's just a sign of the times - that everyone gets caught up in silly stuff that doesn't really matter.  it may be true, but it's also just an excuse.   

one of my favorite children's books is "the three questions" by jon j. muth.  it's adapted from leo tolstoy's short story, "the three questions", so it's pretty deep, as all the best children's books are.  in it, nikolai is a young boy who is trying to find out the right way to act, the right way to live.  a wise turtle helps him to find the answers to his three questions:

1. What is the best time to do things?
2. Who is the most important one?
The one you are with.
3. What is the right thing to do?
To do good for the one you are with.

good reminders to live in the present moment, appreciate the folks around us, and try to do for others whenever possible.  

the appreciation thing is key for me right now.  it's my main resolution for 2013 and my main prayer as we head into lent:  for a heart filled with gratitude.  even when i think i don't, i have oh-so-much to be thankful for.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

grace in new life

Sure do love those little fingers!
this entry has been a long time coming.  excuse the delay!  on saturday, september 29, 2012 (my parents' anniversary), a beautiful little being entered the world and it will never be the same.  odette vivian made me an aunt (tante in dutch), and i will never be the same.  on sunday, december 16 after an excruciatingly long wait, i finally got to hold her in my arms.  my heart has never been so full, nor my smile so wide!  the two weeks i got to spend with her were nothing short of sacred.  it may have partially been so very special because i had waited so long to meet her, and partially because i don't know when i'll see her again, but mostly it was because she is just the sweetest, most lovable, snuggly little person.  i am serious when i say that i miss the smell of her spit-up on my shoulder.

dear odette,
your mommy and daddy don't want your picture posted all over the internet and although i would love to share your sweet smile with all 7 of my readers, i respect their wishes and will refrain.  let me just say that this world is a better place because you are in it.  our family is better because you are in it!  you are a beautiful little creature, my little chunky monkey and snugglebum.  i absolutely hate being so far away, but am very grateful for skype and face time so i can at least virtually watch you grow.  you are four months old and have already flown across the atlantic ocean, left your parents to play with your friends at day care, begun to roll over and eat solid food.  you are amazing!  don't grow up too fast - your parents want to cherish every moment!  you have a strong name, shared by strong women, and i have no doubt you will someday be a strong woman yourself.  you are already a strong-willed little lady!  continue to learn and grow, but take your time, and all the while, know that you are very, very loved.
love and mooches,
tante caitlin
And those little toes!

you aunts out there know what i'm talking about.  it is truly amazing.  and seeing your sister as a mother, having brought life into this world?  mind-blowing!  such a beautiful thing.  i am just in awe of this great responsibility she now holds for the rest of her life!  i am so very excited for future visits as this little one makes her way through each phase of life!  wishing my sister, her husband, and their little lady all the grace in the world as their adventure continues!