Tuesday, February 12, 2013

life is so very short

i have started writing this post many times and stopped because i'm still not exactly sure that i have the words to say what i want to say.  i think there are times in all of our lives when what is happening around us - or to us - forces us to stop short and really realize what a precious gift life is.  a number of those events have happened around me lately, and this reminder of life's short-ness is at the front and center of my heart and mind.  

first it was the death of 20 sweet children in newtown, connecticut on december 14.  then it was the death of a friend's husband, right before christmas.  then it was the death of one of my mom's students, the daughter and sister of long-time family friends.  these three events, which occurred within two weeks of one another, were horrific, impossible to understand events in the lives of those directly impacted (family and close friends).  but these kinds of events, i believe, can and must serve as reminders to those of us slightly removed or even greatly distanced, that life is short.  and precious.  and we just never know.

i don't know about you, but i get so caught up in each day's routines, lists, chores, meetings, and things that have to get done that i do forget.  i forget about what really matters.  i get sucked into thinking that crossing off checks on a list and running around like a crazy person are what life is all about.  WRONG!  i tell myself it's just a sign of the times - that everyone gets caught up in silly stuff that doesn't really matter.  it may be true, but it's also just an excuse.   

one of my favorite children's books is "the three questions" by jon j. muth.  it's adapted from leo tolstoy's short story, "the three questions", so it's pretty deep, as all the best children's books are.  in it, nikolai is a young boy who is trying to find out the right way to act, the right way to live.  a wise turtle helps him to find the answers to his three questions:

1. What is the best time to do things?
2. Who is the most important one?
The one you are with.
3. What is the right thing to do?
To do good for the one you are with.

good reminders to live in the present moment, appreciate the folks around us, and try to do for others whenever possible.  

the appreciation thing is key for me right now.  it's my main resolution for 2013 and my main prayer as we head into lent:  for a heart filled with gratitude.  even when i think i don't, i have oh-so-much to be thankful for.

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