Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Birthday Grace

As far as birthdays go, I'd say this one was pretty great.  I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't really looking forward to it.  I've been sick.  I had a midterm to finish.  My computer hard drive "failed" this weekend.  I woke up to major rain and ickiness.  I knew I'd have to go to class from 4:30-9:30.  It wasn't looking good.  Enter grace.

I woke up to a text message sent at 2am from a dear friend- my first official birthday wish!  My dear roommate snuck a card and a bag of Reese's (my favorite candy) onto my pillow while I was in the shower.  My parents called before going to work to sing "Happy Birthday" to me.  All day long, I got emails and text messages and phone calls...some from people that I haven't talked to in forever!  I was able to go to Mass and lunch with a close friend.  I had time to get all of my work done.  I got a bunch of real cards in the snail mail.  And oh the Facebook messages!  Wow.  I know that a FB message doesn't mean the world, but the sheer number was just overwhelming.  This many people thought about me today and sent a wish for happiness.

Overwhelmed is I think the best word, truly, to describe how I feel right now.  In a good way, you know- I am overwhelmed with love.  I feel like I could do anything and just run off this love!  So, one of my favorite things about birthdays is a tradition my dear friend Karen taught me- the birthday questions.  In an attempt to take this day to look back and forward, I will share my birthday answers here.

1. Describe the day you were born.

Well, it was a cold day in March, in the mountains of North Carolina.  My poor mom had been in labor for thirty-three hours.  I just didn't want to come out.  Finally, I was born at about 9:00 in the morning- as my mom always said, "just in time for Sesame Street!"  My maternal grandparents were in Australia at the time, and my parents had to send them a telegram on the Great Barrier Reef!  This telegram is still in my baby book :)

2. Describe a favorite birthday.

Hands down, my first year of teaching.  My kids planned an entire birthday party without me knowing.  I seriously was totally clueless.  (I have to admit, this worried me slightly in retrospect- that they would be able to extensively plan such an event under my nose without me knowing it...what else were they doing without me knowing???)  Anyway, I got called to the library and an aide popped in briefly.  Little did I know, this was so they could string up streamers, light candles on a cake, and get everything set up.  When I got back, they all went crazy, singing and yelling and just being SO excited- that it was my birthday, maybe- but mostly I think they were excited that I was genuinely so surprised.  I felt so loved.

Birthdays during my three UCTC years were also pretty great, because they were accompanied by affirmations.  I mean, when else do you get to sit and listen to a room full of people telling you why you are special to them and what they love about you?  So great.

3. What will you remember about the last year?

- Going on the Camino with my mom, brother, and sister
- Moving out of the convent and into a house!!!
- Doing my administrative practicum and learning a LOT about what it means to be a principal
- My parents' 30th Anniversary party with extended family and friends
- Earthquakes in Haiti and Chile
- Becoming a lector at my church
- Helping to plan a national conference last summer
- Being asked to bake communion bread for a friend's wedding
- LOTS of friends' pregnancies!

4.  What are you looking forward to in the coming year?

- Being offered a job as a principal, and having the opportunity to put everything I've learned into practice!
- Whatever else God has in store!

28 years...a significant amount of time, and yet, just a grain of sand in the hourglass of time.  Looking forward to the next 28!  Thank you, God, for birthday grace.  I am so blessed to be so loved.

1 comment:

  1. YAY for the Birthday Questions!!! Thanks for sharing...
