Sunday, December 19, 2010

grace in the messiness of life

this past week has been emotionally draining.  multiple deaths, wakes, funerals...none of them older people who died a "normal" death.  i don't attempt to understand these kinds of tragic events...i'm a feeler, not at thinker, according to myers-briggs.  all i know is how i feel.  and i just feel so sad- sad that the world has lost these wonderful people, sad that i won't ever see their smiling faces again, sad for their children and spouses...sad that this had to happen right before Christmas.  

at mass this morning, father's homily was all about the messiness of life.  he made the connection to the messiness of the holy family's less-than-ideal beginnings...mary pregnant out of wedlock, joseph marrying a young pregnant woman, the savior of the world coming as a tiny, vulnerable baby in a messy stable.  we don't plan for messiness, or expect it, but God constantly surprises us in unexpected ways, and instead of trying to escape the messiness that is life, God wants us to seek him there, because that's where he is...emmanuel...God is with us.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference.  grant us the grace to seek you in the messiness.

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