Sunday, March 20, 2011

birthday graces

as another birthday approaches, i find myself yet again overcome with gratitude for this wonderful journey i'm on.  i can't believe it's been 29 years!  since i just don't know if i'll have time on my actual birthday, and i found myself with a few free moments today, i thought i would go ahead and post early.  as has become tradition, i'll answer the birthday questions...a great way of looking back on the last year and ahead to the next!

1. Describe the day you were born.

Well, it was a cold day in March, in the mountains of North Carolina.  My poor mom had been in labor for thirty-three hours.  I just didn't want to come out.  Finally, I was born at about 9:00 in the morning- as my mom always said, "just in time for Sesame Street!"  My maternal grandparents were in Australia at the time, and my parents had to send them a telegram on the Great Barrier Reef!  This telegram is still in my baby book :)

2. Describe a favorite birthday.

I honestly have loved all of my birthdays.  I know that sounds like a cop-out, but really and truly, I can't think of one I didn't enjoy.  The one that is coming to mind right now for some reason is my 21st.  I was obsessed with the color pink during my college years, and my best friend managed to sneak into my dorm room while my roommate and I went out for breakfast.  I came back to pink streamers, pink balloons, and pink daisies!  I remember being so excited to wear a new pair of pink pants that I had recently bought to celebrate the day in style.  My dad came up to Boone and took me out to lunch for my first beer.  My friends all drove up to Blowing Rock so that we could go to Outback and have fun drinks since Boone was still a dry town and didn't have a liquor license.  There were birthday hats, balloons, and all.  We were decked out.  I remember looking around the table and being truly overwhelmed by the dear friends who were there to celebrate me.  So fun.  

3. What will you remember about the last year?

-i survived the awful process known as the job search.
-i spoke at commencement/graduated with my 2nd master's degree!
-i finally found the right job for me, one where my school's needs align practically perfectly with my gifts and vice versa.  cue my becoming the youngest principal in the archdiocese.
-mom and will came to boston last summer to help me get situated at school.
-i bought a new car!
-several friends had weddings and babies.
-two more caitlins moved into our house.
-several precious lives ended far too soon.
-i spent a wonderful week at home with my whole family over christmas.
-my sister got engaged!

4.  What are you looking forward to in the coming year?

-finishing my first year as a principal and having the chance to do it better next year.
-my sister's wedding!
-the countless blessings unknown to me today that God has in store!

it's a great day to be alive!


  1. Happy Birthday, sweet friend! I hope it's wonderful just like you!

  2. Yes...I was hoping for a birthday post! Couldn't be happier to read the birthday questions. So grateful to have you in my life-thinking of and celebrating YOU today!

  3. thanks, ladies! so blessed to have friends (and blog readers) as great as you! :)
