Tuesday, March 29, 2011

grace in unexpected encounters

the most amazing thing just happened to me.  after being at a workshop all day, i was driving home, and an old friend popped into my mind.  i hadn't seen her since before christmas, and i remember thinking, "i wonder if she's out running right now."  i strategically took a certain route home that i knew she sometimes ran, and no sooner had the thought crossed my mind when, low and behold, there she was!  i slammed on my brakes, laid on my horn, and pulled over like a crazy woman.  i can't even express the sheer joy in encountering her as she happened to be on her way to class (she's a grad student).  she had a few minutes, came and sat in my front seat, and we caught up as much as two friends can in ten minutes.  but it was the most wonderful ten minutes, and we have dinner plans for next week.  how amazing!  oh how i wish this was how life always worked...i imagine something and all of a sudden, it becomes reality!  talk about a quickly answered prayer!  thanks, God, for the perfect surprise!

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