Sunday, November 20, 2011


i don't know what to call this post.  i just don't have words for this.

last week, one of my former students was found dead in her bedroom.  her death is being ruled an accident; it appears she was experimenting with huffing, and it went terribly wrong.  she was a junior in high school, had perfect attendance, and was on the honor roll.

i'm sure grace is here somewhere - in the outpouring of love and support of the community for her family - but it's hard to see through the incredible sadness that i feel, the sense of loss of one of my lovelies, and the utter helplessness that i feel, wishing there were something i could have done to keep it from happening.

carmen elena romero, you were a beautiful light in my life and the lives of all your other fifth grade classmates, as well as i'm sure many more.  your life was short but deep.  i hope you know how much you were loved.  

miss k

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