Saturday, December 31, 2011

two years calls for new perspective

i just realized that i have now been keeping this blog for two years.  in those two years, i've only done 57 posts.  that's pretty pathetic in the blogging world.  at the rate i'm going, it'll take me at least another year to hit my 100th post.  originally when i realized this i thought, "that'll be my new year's resolution - to blog more frequently."  but i've been thinking more about it, and i think new year's resolutions should somehow help you to be a better person.  although it's possible that blogging more frequently would, in fact, help me to be more grateful and see more grace in my life, thereby making me a better person, that wasn't my intention when i made the resolution.  and if resolutions are about anything, they should be about good intentions, right?  

so with that in mind, in 2012, i resolve to care less about what other people think and expect.  at the end of the day, trying to live this one life i've got for anyone else is a recipe for misery, and i refuse to be miserable.  (note to reader: my life's work is for others - please don't misunderstand what i mean here.  i'm not saying i want to be more selfish or less caring.  i just want to have the courage to be authentic and find joy in that authenticity.)

i resolve to really think about the motivations behind the decisions i make and not do things just because someone else is doing them or because society makes me feel like i should be doing them.  i want to do things because they bring joy to the world.  i want to say things that are true, that have meaning, that make people think, make people smile.  i want to be intentional and not just go through the motions.

i resolve to stay positive, appreciative, and hopeful - even if it seems like there is no reason to.  i resolve to find the reason, every day.  and i resolve to find a reason to smile and/or laugh, every single day.  because life is funny and humor is good for the soul.  i realized recently that i don't laugh often enough.  i started reading this book by james martin, sj (a favorite) while i was home for the holidays.  it's all about the importance of laughter in the spiritual life.  makes sense, doesn't it?  laughter --> joy --> gratitude --> God.

"Give us grace and strength to forbear and to persevere."

-Robert Louis Stevenson

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