Tuesday, January 3, 2012

out of the mouths of babes...

today was an awful day, all in all.  i don't want to dwell on it; i just want it to be over.  in the midst of the awfulness, however, there were two moments of joy that deserve to be documented:

1.  one of my ninja turtles in kindergarten (that's what i call them because all the boys in the family have the names of ninja turtles.  you think i'm kidding, but i'm not.) was sent to the office with a note that said he needed a minute to think because he was disturbing class and called the teacher crazy.  intrigued, i put on my oh-so-serious face and told him he needed to think for a minute and then i would have him come in and talk to me about what happened.  this is the conversation that ensued:
NT:  "i know what you're thinking.  i didn't say it." 
Me:  "didn't say what?"
NT:  "the note says that i said a bad word but i didn't."
Me:  "what bad word did you say?"
NT:  (points to side of head and makes circular motion)  "the boys said i did this, but i didn't do that because that's a bad word.  it's disrespectful.  it would hurt my teacher's feelings and i don't want to do that."
Me:  "you're right.  that is disrespectful and it would hurt your teacher's feelings."
NT:  "yeah.  if you do that, you should get kicked out of school.  it's so mean."
Me:  "well, this note also says that you were disturbing class."
NT:  "yeah.  that part's true."

it was very hard to keep my serious principal face on at that point!

2.  two third grade girls came to my office this afternoon and said, "miss k, we missed you so much over break that we decided to write you notes to tell you."  here they are:

"Dear Miss K, I really missed you over break but now I don't because you're here.  You're the best principal in the school and I think you're nice.  You let us have slush day and in my old school they didn't.  That's why you're the best principal.  Love, N."

"Dear Mrs. K, Happy new year and a very nice Christmas.  God bless you because you are very sweet and nice.  Everyone thinks you are very sweet and nice and beautiful and I love you so much.  Love, A."

nevermind the fact that i'm the only principal in the school.

these are the conversations i choose to remember from today.  i love my students!

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