Saturday, March 23, 2013

becoming a godmother

when i was home over christmas break, i went to visit my dear friend theresa and her sweet little family.  while i was there, she asked me if i would be their new baby boy's godmother.  i'm embarrassed to say that the first image that popped into my mind was this:

i quickly came to my senses and realized that what we were actually talking about was this:

i can't quite describe to you how honored i felt - to even be considered for such a charge, much less actually chosen.  according to, "godparents are to assist the child's parents in raising their child in our Catholic faith, so that the child may profess and live it as an adult."  not to be taken lightly!

theresa and i have been friends since second grade.  i have watched her go from single gal to wife to mom, all with incredible grace and humor.  harper is their second child, and he is a sweet, adorable chunky little monkey.  (theresa, i hope you don't mind me stealing this photo from your blog!)

i was just thrilled to stand on the altar and watch the priest pour water over his head, watch his godfather light the baptismal candle, and then get to place the white garment over his head.  it was a beautiful ceremony, and a great reminder of the rich tradition in our faith.  i am so very excited to help harper's parents share this faith with him as he grows up.  what a blessed new beginning!

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