Saturday, August 21, 2010

grace in unexpected bargains

today was a great day.  and it's only 1:08 pm.  it started with teacher appreciation day at staples, followed by a yard sale around the corner from my house, and a trip to home depot to buy paint for the bathrooms at school.  i got some good deals at each place, but my true blessing of the day was in a set of five (count them- FIVE) of these chairs (normally priced at $87.36 each) for fifty bucks.  we have been re-vamping our office at school, and really need some tables and chairs to spruce things up and bring ourselves into this century. 

what we had before was functional, i'll say that, but i've realized how much i am really mentally affected by my surroundings, and aesthetics are important, i don't care what anyone says.  it makes a big difference to walk into a clutter-free, organized, reasonably updated office rather than the opposite.  we're not totally there yet, but we're on our way, and someone told me recently that direction is more important than speed, so i'm going with it.  i think there's a lot of wisdom in that little saying!  the chairs we had before looked more or less like this:

yeah...little bit of money spent = big mental health savings.  thank you, God, for good bargains and nice neighbors!


  1. Yay you!!! You are totally a "place" person. I am not, but wish that I were! Bet you can't wait to get those all set up in your office-look forward to seeing them :-)

  2. Lol... I love the pics of the old chair and the new chair. Bye bye 1969.... Hello a new century.
