Tuesday, August 17, 2010

graceful productivity

i have to (sadly) admit that since i started my new job six weeks ago, every day has been relatively tough.  meaning, i come home exhausted and with a headache- everyday.  thanks be to God, i am thrilled to share that today was different.  of course, there was still the normal chaos and non-stop activity, but today also brought two wonderful meetings with teachers, and a quiet afternoon of solid work. 

today i accomplished all of the following:
  • followed directions from the technology guy over the phone and fixed our internet when it was down (this was a source of great pride for me, i'm not gonna lie)
  • registered a new student
  • translated four posters and 14 bulletin announcements into Spanish
  • created a master schedule for all special classes for the coming years
  • set up meetings with the teachers i have not yet met with
  • caught 6 mice in traps
  • created a to-do list for the next two weeks before school starts
  • hired a music teacher
  • set up volunteers to help distribute textbooks and move things that need to be moved the rest of this week
  • broke into a locked closet (couldn't find the key) and found a missing step stool for the nuns
  • got an estimate on new flooring for the middle school hallway
  • dealt with two not-so-happy parents over the phone and (i think) took care of things
  • probably a lot of other things that i can't think of right now
the result:  i left school (albeit at 6:45 pm) tonight feeling accomplished, worthwhile, somewhat in control, and headache-free.  here's hoping for many more days like today!

1 comment:

  1. I like the 'caught 6 mice in traps'--- that is definitely a good day!
