Friday, November 26, 2010

grace in a good end to a bad day

i think i can easily say that this past monday was the worst day yet of this first year in this new job.  i won't go into detail, but let's just say that after all was said and done and i was the only one left at school, i closed my office door, closed the blinds, and cried.  a lot.  it had been building up all day and it just wouldn't stay inside anymore.  after a few minutes, i dried my eyes and got back to work- not really feeling better, but at least feeling capable of finishing the day.  after a few more hours of work, i headed home, utterly exhausted, at about 8:45 pm.  even the beautifully lit-up skyline as i crossed the bridge didn't take my breath away like it usually does.  it was just one of those days and it needed to end. 

as i neared my neighborhood, all of a sudden i found myself turning my car into the McDonald's parking lot.  what possessed me to stop there, i really have no idea.  those mystical yellow arches have never had the same effect on me that they have on others i know.  in fact, it's pretty much always my last choice when it comes to fast food, and often i'd rather starve.  but for whatever reason, the universe pulled me through that drive thru, ordered a quarter pounder with cheese, and pulled up to the window. 

imagine my surprise when the mother of one of our first graders greets me at the window!  "do you live around here?" she asked.  i replied yes.  "are you just now coming home from school?" she inquired.  i almost broke down crying again at the sheer pathetic-ness i was feeling, but i managed a sheepish smile.  she refused to let me pay for my meal, told me how great i was doing and how happy her son was, and sent me home.  i found myself weeping tears of joy on the way home- yet again, realizing how blessed i am by this God who loves me so much and knows me so well that he sends me angels at the exact moment i need them most...and sometimes in the most unexpected places.

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