Thursday, November 11, 2010

grace in occasional pampering

i hesitated whether or not to write this entry, because my good old Catholic guilt kicks in and tells me i should be doing something much more important on a day like attending some kind of a service for local veterans or putting together care packages for soldiers abroad or something great like that.  the problem is that i spend all day every day doing important work, so today...i took the day off.  i texted my amazing hairdresser last night and she told me she could squeeze me in today.  it must have been meant to be, because even though they were busy, they were also able to squeeze me in for a pedicure (something i only splurge on for weddings, and yes, i am going to a wedding this weekend) and an eyebrow wax.  i mean, really...what are the chances?  i realize that this meant i was spending money i don't really have for these kinds of luxuries, but can i just say that as i lay there getting my scalp massaged during the pre-cut shampoo, i was pretty much in a state of bliss.  and warm water and exfoliating scrub on my poor little feet?  i don't know exactly what heaven is like, but i'm fairly certain there are pedicures there.  i sat there, reading one of my favorite books, soaking in the experience, and i just felt incredibly overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to splurge on such luxury- and to have the time (the most precious luxury of all) to do it!  i'm pretty sure anytime one is overwhelmed with gratitude, grace plays a part.  so thank you, God, for a job that not only allows for the occasional luxury, but that i also love going to each day.  thank you, veterans, for your dedication and sacrifices.  thank you, country, for honoring veterans with a day off.  thank you, sam, for making room for me in your schedule.  thank you, grace, for not allowing me to take it all for granted.

1 comment:

  1. SO GLAD you took time for YOU on your day off! I know it's hard to squeeze in, but I recently heard that running a school is similar to the oxygen masks in airlines-you need to take care of yourself before assisting the children around you :-).

    Have fun at Katie and Greg's wedding-please tell everyone I say HI!
